emotion code

“Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive, and will come forth later, in uglier ways.”

-Sigmund Freud

What is Emotion Code?

Emotion Code is an energy healing technique that helps release trapped emotions stored in the body. These unresolved emotions can create emotional and physical imbalances, affecting your well-being. Using muscle testing and intentional release, Emotion Code helps clear emotional blockages, promoting greater balance, relief, and emotional freedom. It’s a simple yet powerful way to let go of what no longer serves you and move forward with more clarity and ease.

How do I know if I need Emotion Code?

You may benefit from Emotion Code if you feel stuck in patterns of stress, anxiety, or emotional heaviness that you can’t seem to shake. If you experience unexplained physical discomfort, struggle with relationships, or sense that past experiences are still affecting you, trapped emotions could be the root cause. Emotion Code helps release these blockages, creating space for healing, clarity, and emotional freedom. If you feel drawn to it, your intuition may already be telling you it’s time to let go.

How is an Emotion Code session facilitated?

Emotion Code is facilitated through muscle testing, a form of biofeedback that helps identify trapped emotions stored in the body. I also at times like to use a pendulum. As a practitioner, I gently guide the process by asking yes/no questions and using muscle testing or my pendulum to pinpoint specific emotions that need to be released. Once identified, these trapped emotions are cleared using a simple yet powerful technique—often involving the use of a magnet along the governing meridian of the body. Sessions can be done in person or remotely, as energy healing is not bound by distance. The process is gentle, non-invasive, and helps create space for emotional and physical balance.

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